Bursaries & Scholarships
The Penticton Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts offers bursaries and scholarships to our students throughout the year.

​An objective of the Penticton Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts is to provide quality music and dramatic arts education to students of all circumstances through a bursary program. Academy students of any ability and instrument can apply for bursaries. Applications are reviewed according to financial need and dedication to studies. Bursaries are applied for in August and awarded by mid-September and are applicable to that academic year. A separate application is required each academic year and will be considered on the basis of financial need and the availability of funds. It is in the student's best interest to apply early to ensure funds will be available.
The Penticton Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts is proud to host the annual Norm Looney Scholarship Competition. This event aims to recognize the accomplishments of our talented students and offers them recognition for their hard work.
Norm Looney Scholarship Competition
Norm Looney joined the board of directors of the Penticton Academy of Music Society in 2014, and one of his last wishes was to show gratitude for the role that music had in shaping his life." - Penticton Herald
To participate in this competition:
Students must be studying at a Grade 4 level or above, or equivalent.
Student's lesson payments must be up to date at the time of application.
Students must be returning to PAMDA for the next academic year.
Students must complete and submit the online application form by the deadline of 4:30pm, Thursday, May 29, 2025.
Students must have their instructor complete the accompanying Teacher Evaluation Form by the deadline of 4:30pm, Thursday, May 29, 2025.
Performances for the scholarship competition will be adjudicated at the year-end gala on DATE TBD.
1 (one) scholarship at $500 and 4 (four) scholarships at $250 will be awarded.
Scholarships will be applied towards the 2025 / 2026 tuition.