Want to join our Board? PAMDA is overseen by a volunteer Board of Directors, which takes on many roles, including policy-setting, strategic planning, and fundraising.
We are seeking nominations from members of our community to stand for election to the Board of Directors for 2022/23. Positions are for a two-year term. All positions are confirmed annually by the membership present at the Annual General Meeting, which will take place this year via Zoom at 6:30pm on Tuesday, November 22, 2022.
When you join our Board, you will:
Grow your network;
Develop leadership skills;
Have an opportunity to share your unique perspective;
Develop your business and strategic planning skills;
Learn how to run a meeting; and
Have an experience that enriches your community AND your resume.
If you're interested in joining a vibrant, creative team of volunteers to help bring quality music and dramatic arts education to the people of our community, please check out the information below or email us at info@pentictonacademyofmusic.ca for more information.