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Maiya Robbie

Guitar, Voice

Maiya has a Diploma of Music from Selkirk College, where she majored in voice and composition. She has 12 years of teaching experience in voice, guitar, songwriting and early childhood music and movement. Most recently, Maiya finished a post grad diploma in Expressive Arts Therapy, earning her RTC (registered therapeutic counsellor) designation, and as of summer 2020 has begun her Masters in this field. As well as teaching music at PAMDA, Maiya has a private practice locally as an arts based therapist.

Maiya offers beginner to early intermediate guitar and contemporary vocal lessons, as well as songwriting and creative musical exploration. Her approach as a teacher is a balance between encouraging joy and student ownership of musical interest and direction, along with providing structural soundness and healthful habit building in vocal technique and guitar playing.

“I teach guitar and voice to children, youth and adults in a supportive and encouraging environment. My aim is to balance teaching skills and healthful technique while also providing tools and space for creative expression and learning through constructive play.”

Maiya Robbie
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