Our Year-End Gala will look and feel quite different this year, but we still want to celebrate! We want to celebrate the resilience and flexibility of our teachers and students as they navigated Covid-19 challenges.We want to celebrate learning and development and the many hours of lessons and practice that have taken place this year. And we want to celebrate the hard work of everyone behind the scenes – the parents, spouses, family members – that have enabled us to keep the creative flames aglow in our community.
To do this, we are creating a PAMDA Year-end Gala Video Montage that will appear on YouTube! We ask anyone who wishes to participate to create a video performance (under 90 seconds please) and email it to PAMDA board member Gitan Rakhra by June 8, 2020.
Please be sure to include a note expressing your consent and, for minors, parental consent for your participation in this project.
We are excited about our Gala Celebration! We will let you know when the montage is ready.